Monday, October 29, 2012

Trick or Treat for Kids Off Their Feet

This year for Halloween my daughter decided she was going to be a Bumble Bee. We got her costume, bought a blue jack-o-lantern bucket ot put all her goodies in, and are getting all excited to go trick-or-treating. One day last week at work, my co-worker and I were talking about how much fun Halloween is and how sad that some kids might not get to experience Halloween. So we researched a way to help the best way we know how! So we found "Trick-or-Treat for Kids Off Their Feet" which brings Halloween to the kids at Payton Manning Children's Hospital. This is for the hospitalized child, the child going through chemo and has special isolation, the child who can not get out of bed because they are too sick or too weak. The community donates goodies for the staff to pass out on Halloween!
All the goodies I donated!
There was way too much to hold!
 I also had my daughter help pick out some toys and fun favors and i told her why we were doing this. Instilling in a child at a young age to give is sometimes more rewarding that receiving is vital! I find it to be one of the most important traits a child can take from their parent.
Helping Mommy put all the goodies in a bag to take to the kids at the hospital!

I challenge you to find a way to give back to your community this month!

Until next time friends!

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