Friday, September 28, 2012

If You Want The Truth, Ask A Child...

You know the saying "If you want the truth, ask a child"? Well, it is true. When I decided to compete for Ms. Captivating, I had to ask myself "WHY?" Why compete after not competing in so many years? What is the compelling factor for me to take the plunge back into an industry I thought I had retired from? Why did I want the crown? This was my answer:

I wanted to win for my precious baby girl. I wanted to show her that you can chase your dreams and you can achieve them with hard work and dedication. I wanted to show her to never let things such as money, people, weight, society discourage you from reaching your goals in life. And lastly, I wanted to show Kenna that, yes, you really can be a princess. And my goal and dream of this came true. Not on the day that  I won and had the crown placed on my head, but 2 days ago when Kenna walked over to my "Pageant Case", asked to take out my CAPTIVATING crown, had me put it on, and said "Mommy. You a pity 'pin-cess'!" I started to cry because I wanted her to see that if Mommy could be a princess, then she could too one day! I then placed the crown on her head and said, "One day, if you want to, you can be a princess too!"
Right after I won MS. CAPTIVATING

Always remember, if you set your mind to it, you can be anything you want to be. Just remember, it might not happen when you want it to or how you want it to, but you can achieve your dreams. I dreamed of being MISS UNIVERSE since I was 14. I never became MISS UNIVERSE or even MISS OHIO (though I came close!), but I did win a national title 13 years later, and I was able to share this amazing experience with my daughter. THAT is way more than I could ever ask for...

Until next time friends...

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