Sunday, May 12, 2013

Rookie Run 2013

Saturday May 11, 2013 my husband and I volunteered as start line coordinator for the 500 Festival Rookie Run! It is the kids race that is put on each year and have over 1,000 kids sign up to run! As a start line coordinator, my husband and I were in charge of getting all the 500 Festival princess, volunteers, parents, and kids where they need to be. Racers range in age from 3 years to 12 years. Each kid gets a tee shirt and a metal for finishing! After the kids finish with the race, there are food vendors, rides, free goodies, and music the rest of the day at monument circle! Next year my Kenna will be able to run and i am totally looking forward to it! I love my city of Indianapolis and all it does for its people!
I love getting opportunities to volunteer for all the amazing events my city has to offer!

My view of the event! 1,000 kids plus parents waiting to run as the race gets ready to start!
Getting all the volunteers and Princess ready and set!
I'm ready to run! Do I pass for a kiddo?!

 Here are media photos from the event! Such amazing images of this awesome day! Be sure to check back for a drive close ot my heart that I will be participating in next week!

Until next time friends!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for volunteering your time. Ive always said there is no better place to be than Indy in May. And it is bc of volunteers like yourself that this is possible. In your second picture above you will see myself in the front, middle (blue jacket and shorts) standing behind my youngest daughter (blue Danica Patrick jersey and pigtails). My oldest daughter participated in her first Rookie Run in 2007 as a 3 year old. She went on to finish 5 Rookie Runs before moving up to the Mini Marathon where she finished all 13.1 miles last year as an 8 year old and again this year as a 9 year old. There was no prouder moment for me as a father than seeing her defy all odds and crossing the finish line of the Mini Marathon at such a young age. And now I get to experience it all over again with my youngest daughter. Yesterday she participated in her first Rookie Run as a 3 year old. To see the excitement on her face leading up to the race and the joy on her face when she crossed that finish line and received her I was even more prouder than I ever thought I could ever be. It is memories like these for my daughters and I that are only my possible by volunteers like yourself who help organize such memorable Indy 500 events So thank you again and all the other volunteers for donating your time to making Indy the greatest place to live and visit! #Indy500orBust
