Monday, October 29, 2012

Trick or Treat for Kids Off Their Feet

This year for Halloween my daughter decided she was going to be a Bumble Bee. We got her costume, bought a blue jack-o-lantern bucket ot put all her goodies in, and are getting all excited to go trick-or-treating. One day last week at work, my co-worker and I were talking about how much fun Halloween is and how sad that some kids might not get to experience Halloween. So we researched a way to help the best way we know how! So we found "Trick-or-Treat for Kids Off Their Feet" which brings Halloween to the kids at Payton Manning Children's Hospital. This is for the hospitalized child, the child going through chemo and has special isolation, the child who can not get out of bed because they are too sick or too weak. The community donates goodies for the staff to pass out on Halloween!
All the goodies I donated!
There was way too much to hold!
 I also had my daughter help pick out some toys and fun favors and i told her why we were doing this. Instilling in a child at a young age to give is sometimes more rewarding that receiving is vital! I find it to be one of the most important traits a child can take from their parent.
Helping Mommy put all the goodies in a bag to take to the kids at the hospital!

I challenge you to find a way to give back to your community this month!

Until next time friends!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Official Headshots

I'm so excited!!! Official headshots are up! Our director, Rick Martinez of Studio RM, did it again! He made my sister queens and I look AMAZING!
My beautiful sister- MISS Captivating (former Miss Michigan Capt.)

The adorable TEEN Captivating (former Teen Midwest Capt.)

Me- MS Captivating (former Ms. Indiana Capt.)
Three beautiful and accomplished woman from different part of the country and different walks of life have come together to be the current CAPTIVATING queens and are honored to hold these titles. Who will we crown next June? Who wants to follow in our footsteps and have the honor of wearing one of our crowns? I look forward to seeing YOU next summer!

Until then...

Indianapolis Marathon 5K

This weekend I had the privilege to participate in the Indianapolis Marathon 5K! This makes my 2nd 5k I have ever participated in. The first one was the Ronald McDonald House 5K which I walked in. This time I wanted to challenge myself and RUN a 5K. So, with my sister in tow as my motivational support person, I RAN my first 5K!
1st mile marker and still going strong!

Crossing the finish line and finished in 48 minutes!
 I love a good challenge so I wanted to see if I could actually run 3.5 miles! I'll admit, I had to take a few walk breaks, but to say I RAN a 5K is one thing I can check off my bucket list! There is only one thing I am a little embarrassed to admit... my beautiful sister just had a baby 4 months ago... and she beat me! She was the one pushing me to keep going!! She is such a driven individual and I admire her for her competitive nature!
My sister and I with our finisher medals
One thing I have gained from this experience is to challenge yourself. If you think you can not do something, do it just because you think you can't. The worst thing that can happen is you fail. But what is worse than failing is being scared to not even try at all. Failure isn't losing, however, because you already beat the person who was too afraid to try.

This medal is going in my "Accomplishment Cabinet"

I didn't win or even place in the top 100, but I challenged myself and finished. I was so proud of this accomplishment and want to use this as an example that if you set your mind to it you can do anything. From this experience, I have set a new goal: to run in a 5K every month (every other month at the least) and maybe by next year you will see this girl running in her first mini or half marathon! Who knows... Only I can determine that!

Until next time friends...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Miss Indiana USA 2012

Today I was honored to be a guest at the Miss Indiana USA 2012 pageant in Carmel, Indiana at the Renaissance Indianapolis North Hotel. It was so much fun being in the audience to watch all the fine young ladies from all parts of Indiana competing for this prestigious title.

Myself and Mrs Sarah Baird

The dresses were beautiful! I wanted every dress in the top 10! Each girl brought to the stage her unique style, amazing poise, and contributions to the great state of Indiana! One girl started an organization called "Warming Heart" which takes blankets to children for Christmas. Another girl started a non-profit organization that helps veterans with PTSD get service dogs to ease their fear and keep them company.
Top 10 in Miss
The winners were so deserving! The amazing Emily Hart won the title of Miss Indiana USA 2012...
Emily Hart #28 is the new Miss Indiana USA 2012
The stunning and beautiful Darrian Arch is the new Teen Indiana USA 2012.
Darrian Arch #2 is the new Teen IN USA 2012

I met some fabulous people while attending the pageant. I was very honored to meet and talk to the beautiful Mrs. Indiana United States 2012, Carrie Owens. She is such a fabulous woman! Look out because we just may tag-team a few events! Who knows!
I had such a fun night hanging with and meeting some amazing people! Next weekend I have another adventure planned so check back next Sunday night to see what I am getting into!

Until next time...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Flu Clinic

Today I volunteered at my first of 6 flu clinics! The St. Vincent PCC offers a flu clinic every Wednesday from October through March for people, young and old, to get their flu shots. It is so important to get the flu shot not only to prevent yourself from getting ill form the flu, but more for your family so that you do not pass it on to them.

Another reason to get your flu shot is so you don't miss work! DUH! Do you really want to use 3 days of your hard earned PTO days or even go unpaid because you were scared of a little needle?! I don't think so! There has been no evidence that the flu shot gives you the flu... EVER! It is a myth, so if that is your excuse not to get it, then you now know it is not the truth! AWESOME!
I had a blast using my nursing skills and knowing I helped people not come down with this potentially life threatening illness by volunteering my time today! And I'll help almost a hundred more in the next few months, volunteering at 5 more flu clinics! Get out there and get yours today! Ms. Captivating and your very own personal nurse said so!

Until next time friends...